"One day, I want to honestly say, "I made it" "

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Welcome to Mastering Your Way to Medschool

Before we get started, I want to say "WELCOME"! You are about to join me and my ride to medical school. Like myself, I'm probably guessing that you have aspirations of becoming a physician and helping those in need. Well, you've clicked your way the right blog. Ideally, the purpose of this blog is to not only provide you with the pathways to med school but as well as provide you with academic support along the way. Just a little note,  I am a first undergrad Biomedical Science student and my notes will obviously contain first year notes as of now, but will continue to grow thru the years to come. Well, let's get started. Click any of the links located on your right hand side and let's begin our journey to med school.

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