"One day, I want to honestly say, "I made it" "

Chem 1000: Thermochemistry Introduction


A universe is comprised of a system and its surroundings.
  • SYSTEM: Part of universe chosen to be studied
  • SURROUNDINGS: Part of the universe outside the system with which it interacts
Now there are three types of systems:
  1. OPEN SYSTEM : Can freely exchange energy and matter with its surroundings
  2. CLOSED SYSTEM: Can exchange energy but not matter with its surroundings
  3. ISOLATED SYSTEM: Does not exchange matter or energy with its surroundings
ENERGY is the capacity to do work. WORK is done when a force acts through a distance.
There are two types of energy:
  1. KINETIC ENERGY : The energy of a moving object which is calculated through the product of an object's mass and velocity
    • Kinetic energy associated with the random molecular motion is called THERMAL ENERGY
      • Thermal energy is proportional to the temperature of a system.
        • The more vigorous the motion of the molecules of the system, the hotter the sample and the greater its thermal energy
  2. POTENTIAL ENERGY : The stored energy has the potential to do work when released

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